Foreign media are mad at the Windows 11 operating system: Why is it so annoying to use? – Computer King Ada

Foreign media are mad at the Windows 11 operating system: Why is it so annoying to use? – Computer King Ada
Foreign media are mad at the Windows 11 operating system: Why is it so annoying to use? – Computer King Ada

It has been more than three years since Windows 11 was launched. Although I think the current version is much better than the original version, it seems that it cannot satisfy everyone. Recently, some people have jumped out to complain about Windows 11. In addition to a former Microsoft engineer who said before In addition to “Windows 11 is an unfinished product,” the well-known foreign media The Verge also recently wrote a report ridiculing Windows 11 for being annoying to use.

Foreign media are mad at the Windows 11 operating system: Why is it so annoying to use? - Computer King Ada

Foreign media are mad at the Windows 11 operating system: Why is it so annoying to use?

The editor of The Verge said that he was once a loyal user of Windows. He has been using it since the Windows 3.1 era and has even assembled countless PCs. However, in the past few years, his work has been changed to macOS. Although he has a PC at home, he mainly handles household matters and plays games, and does not interact much with Windows 11. Even so, he still finds Windows 11 very annoying to use.

He mentioned that the Windows 11 Start menu is completely useless. Half of it is applications that he has not selected or installed. Recently, Microsoft is planning to add more things: “advertising”. Windows 11 has begun testing the Start menu. Regarding the advertising function, he is very dissatisfied with Microsoft’s approach. It feels like it is trying to fill every corner of Windows 11 in order to persuade users to use a certain “Microsoft product.” But he is already 30 or 40 years old and knows that he needs What.

At some point, a button appeared next to my start menu, and clicking it or hovering over it brought up a screen that covered a third of my screen, showing something I never asked for and wasn’t interested in. A bunch of news, stock prices, weather. There is also a Copilot button on the taskbar. Microsoft products are ubiquitous now, but the practicality is exactly the opposite.

Foreign media are mad at the Windows 11 operating system: Why is it so annoying to use? - Computer King AdaForeign media are mad at the Windows 11 operating system: Why is it so annoying to use? - Computer King Ada

In addition to the Start menu, he also complained that there is also a problem with the Windows index. He forgot to index the files on his computer, causing Windows searches to only display web results. I have also discovered that Windows search is really not that easy to use now compared to the past. Sometimes I clearly have this application installed on my computer, but I can’t find it.

另外還有Microsoft Edge,過去Edge 是Chrome 的改進版,但現在到處都充滿無用處的功能,像是側邊欄、廣告,還會不斷詢問要不要把默認搜尋引擎改成Bing,首頁也一堆無用information:
Foreign media are mad at the Windows 11 operating system: Why is it so annoying to use? - Computer King AdaForeign media are mad at the Windows 11 operating system: Why is it so annoying to use? - Computer King Ada

So he really doesn’t understand why one of the world’s largest technology companies would launch such a crude operating system? He speculates that part of the reason is that each new version is built on an operating system that’s been around for more than 30 years, meaning it’s not a complete redevelopment.

Of course, The Verge does not deny that Windows still does a lot of good things, such as it can run on a variety of hardware without making too many adjustments, can play almost all games, and can be assembled without spending too much money. A computer that can run this operating system, etc.

Foreign media are mad at the Windows 11 operating system: Why is it so annoying to use? - Computer King AdaForeign media are mad at the Windows 11 operating system: Why is it so annoying to use? - Computer King Ada

Compared with macOS, Microsoft’s Windows has never paid special attention to beauty and texture, especially the beauty of white space. As long as there is a blank space, Microsoft will try to see if it can stuff something into it, especially with the recent advertising. There are more and more of them, which will be a bit too much for the average user.

In any case, there are still ways to significantly reduce the annoying ads in Windows 11. If you also feel this way, you might as well give it a try.

Source: The Verge

Tags: Foreign media mad Windows operating system annoying Computer King Ada


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